How Far Should You Plant a Tree From Your Home and Sidewalk?

When it comes to planting trees, it's important to consider the distance between the tree and your home or sidewalk. Learn how far you should plant small and large trees from your home and sidewalk.

How Far Should You Plant a Tree From Your Home and Sidewalk?

When it comes to planting trees, it's important to consider the distance between the tree and your home or sidewalk. In an ideal situation, a tree should have enough room to grow and develop its full potential. Generally, the distance should not be closer to half of its future length in its entirety. For example, 20 feet may still be too close for some large species of trees that grow more than 40 feet tall.

Most landscape professionals recommend leaving at least 10 feet between small trees and at least 30 to 50 feet between large trees. Medium-sized trees can grow well with a distance of 20 feet between them. When it comes to sidewalks, the general rule is to plant trees that grow to 30 feet (9 m) away from them. Trees that grow between 30 and 50 feet (9 to 15 m) should be planted 50 to 60 feet away from each other.

This allows the open shape of the tree to develop. However, there are also beautiful examples of trees in urban and suburban landscapes spaced much closer together. The shape is very dominant and, therefore, these trees are best used as specimens or are clustered in massive plantations. These trees also tend to develop a crown close to the ground, so pruning sessions need to be scheduled more frequently.

The effect is also better when the trees are not planted directly in front of each other and are not of the same type. In addition, arborists also believe that the roots of trees planted close to each other have a strong network that helps them communicate and care for themselves. Therefore, it's not a good idea from either perspective to plant shallow-rooted trees too close to sidewalks. Planting trees further apart allows them to conserve their natural way of growth. When planting fruit trees, determining the correct space between them is even more important. Remember that while trees clustered too close together will provide shade, they will also prevent sunlight from reaching the lower leaves or smaller trees.

Small trees can be planted less than 15 feet away from your home, but large trees should be planted 20 feet or more away. Trees that grow aggressively, if planted too close to other trees or vegetation, could take up the space that other plants need. If your house is positioned so that trees should be planted in the front for maximum shade, select trees that have tall branches so that outdoor areas can be seen under the branches. This causes trees to grow taller faster and provide usable shade much earlier than a single planted tree would.

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