6 Signs Your Tree is in Danger of Falling

Learn about 6 signs that your tree may be in danger of falling and how to take preventive action to protect your home and family.

6 Signs Your Tree is in Danger of Falling

It's usually a big surprise when a tree falls down without warning, but there are usually signs that one could break or be uprooted in the near future. Knowing these signs can help you take preventive action and protect your home and family from potential danger. The first sign that your tree may be in danger of falling is if it starts to tilt or shifts suddenly. This could be due to a number of factors, such as shallow soil, poor root structure, or even an insect infestation.

If you notice your tree leaning, it's important to take action right away. Another sign that your tree may be in danger is if it has a large hole. This could be caused by a variety of things, such as wood decay, an animal burrowing into the tree, or even a fungal infection. If you notice a large hole in your tree, it's important to contact an arborist right away to assess the risk and take corrective action.

If your tree is dropping branches for no apparent reason, this could also be a sign that it is in danger of falling. Trees have a way of pruning themselves, so losing branches may mean that the tree is not getting enough nutrients to stay at its current size or that it is facing an insect infestation. Fungi growing on or under the tree is another sign that it may be in danger of falling. Fungi can weaken the structure of the tree and make it more susceptible to wind and rain damage.

If you notice fungi growing on or around your tree, it's important to contact an arborist right away. If other nearby trees have recently fallen, this could also be a sign that your tree is in danger of falling. Trees can weaken over time due to a variety of factors, such as shallow soil or poor root structure. If you notice other trees falling in your area, it's important to have your own trees inspected by an arborist right away.

Finally, dead or fallen branches are another sign that the tree itself is in danger of falling. If you notice dead or fallen branches on your tree, it's important to contact an arborist right away to assess the risk and take corrective action. If you notice any of these signs on your trees, it's important to contact an arborist right away to assess the risk and take corrective action. Out on a Limb LLC can help you remove trees you don't need or want in the Chattanooga area.

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