The Dangers of Trees Touching Power Lines

Trees and power lines can be a dangerous combination when branches come into contact with them. Learn how to identify the two types of power lines used, follow guidelines for planting & maintaining vegetation accordingly & hire professionals trained in safely pruni

The Dangers of Trees Touching Power Lines

Trees and power lines can be a dangerous combination. When branches come into contact with power lines, they can cause fires, power outages, and even electrical shocks. Even if the branches don't touch the wires, they can still receive energy if a person's weight is added. To ensure reliable service and safety, it's important to understand the risks of trees touching power lines and how to prevent it.

The first step is to make sure no one climbs a tree near power lines. Sick or overgrown trees can damage power lines and cause power outages. To ensure reliable service, utility companies will visit neighborhoods every five to seven years to cut high-voltage electrical cables. They may also have extensive tree pruning and removal programs, but homeowners may also be responsible for maintaining vegetation near their property's power lines.

It's important to identify the two types of power lines used and follow guidelines for planting and maintaining vegetation accordingly. Tree branches should never touch nearby power lines. The interaction can cause fire, power outages and electrical shocks. Power lines don't even have to physically touch the tree to be dangerous, an overvoltage can cause an arc from the transmission line.

Tree service professionals can distinguish between dead and healthy branches, and they know how to prevent branches from falling off during the pruning process. Pruning a tree near power lines is dangerous because of the proximity to an electrical current and the risk of being electrocuted. Homeowners should help keep their trees looking their best, with the power on, and their family and local utility workers safe by planting the right tree in the right place. In some cases, trees that are at risk of damaging power lines during inclement weather may need to be completely removed.

While an avid DIYer can feel safe going to a tree with a reliable pair of scissors, it's not the safest task on the weekends. Only professionals trained to safely prune and prune trees should be hired to clear power lines to do the job. When looking for a good tree trimming service, insist that they set a price that meets your tree needs. Many people choose to remove these trees to reduce the risk that they could damage their home or electrical service. To ensure reliable service and safety, it's important to understand the risks of trees touching power lines and how to prevent it.

Make sure no one climbs a tree near power lines, identify the two types of power lines used, follow guidelines for planting and maintaining vegetation accordingly, hire professionals trained in safely pruning trees near power lines, and insist on a price that meets your tree needs.

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