The Consequences of Not Pruning Trees

Not pruning trees can have serious consequences. Learn about the risks of not pruning trees and how to safely remove branches with qualified tree trimmers.

The Consequences of Not Pruning Trees

Not pruning trees can have serious consequences. While it may seem counterintuitive, cutting or pruning trees is essential for their health and safety. Removing tree branches above shoulder height can result in serious injury or even death. What may look like a small branch to the untrained eye can be very dense and heavy, and if it falls on you, you could suffer a permanent injury or even die.

In addition, trees and tree branches don't necessarily fall where they're expected to fall, and sometimes removing a branch can destabilize the entire tree. You might think you're just pruning, but it's possible that more will fall off the tree than you expected. You could even cause the whole tree to fall, possibly with you in it. Tree pruning is a science and an art. If you prune your trees without understanding the principles of pruning and growing trees, you risk creating a repetitive pattern of tree damage that can cause them to decline.

Every pruning cut made on a tree is a wound, but a correct pruning cut allows the tree to seal the injured area and prevent insects and diseases from taking hold inside the tree. When the tree is more mature, the arborist often prunes it to thin out its dense canopy or remove weak branch structures. Winter is the dormant season for plants and trees in northeastern Ohio and is an excellent time to prune most trees and shrubs. Using lion tailings is no substitute for cleaning or reducing tree crowns, and qualified tree trimmers never do. In conclusion, not pruning trees can have serious consequences. It's important to understand the principles of pruning and growing trees before attempting to prune them yourself.

Winter is an ideal time to prune most trees and shrubs, but it's important to use qualified tree trimmers who understand how to safely remove branches without destabilizing the entire tree.

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