Which Trees are Most Likely to Fall? A Guide to Identifying Risky Trees

Learn how to identify risky trees before they fall with the help of certified arborists. Find out which trees are most likely to fail in strong winds and how professional tree removal services can help.

Which Trees are Most Likely to Fall? A Guide to Identifying Risky Trees

Trees are a beautiful addition to any landscape, but they can also be a source of danger. While all trees are vulnerable to strong winds, some varieties are more likely to fail than others. Bradford pears, cedar, balsamic fir, white fir, several varieties of pine, hemlock, and older water and willow oak trees are particularly at risk in areas where soil has been modified or its area has been altered. Certified arborists can help identify potential problems and take corrective action before the tree falls and causes damage or injury. Trees with multiple dominant advantages are more likely to suffer storm damage as the trunks move away and closer to each other.

Taller trees are also more susceptible to a problem known as “wind shooting” than their shorter counterparts. If you have trees that are more likely to fall in the wind, you can contact a professional tree removal service. Dead tree branches can cause a lot of problems when they fall and there's no way to predict when it will happen. Vines can also make it difficult to detect damage and protect the tree from crucial sunlight. Shallow roots don't anchor trees as well as roots that grew to the right depth and can cause a greater risk of uprooting. If you need a professional emergency tree removal service in Kaysville, or if you want to learn more about the tree emergency, call us.

We'll take care of your problem tree before it costs you a lot of money or harms you or your family.

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